Troop 564

Join Troop 564

Adult Leadership Guide

So you want to be an Adult Leader in Troop 564? Great! This article will give you everything you need to know about how to become a Adult Leader.

Written by John Bourassa on Friday, February 24, 2023

Activity Coordinator Coordinates activities, include camping, sports, etc.; Tracks signup sheets and arranges payment of fees; works with PLC to coordinate calendar of activities
Advancement Chair Tracks the advancement of our scouts through ranks and merit badges
Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) Serves the Troop by guiding a particular patrol or advising Scouts; fill in as necessary to assure the Scouts have what they need to run things; assigned program duties; Must be 18 or older.
Chartered Organization Rep. Connection and liaison to the Moose Lodge
Committee Chair Organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed; works with Scoutmaster to manage membership and adult leadership; prepares for and presides over Adult Committee Meetings; ensures representation at Roundtable; arranges for Recharter and Journey to Excellence.
Fundraising Chair Assists in planning fundraisers and works with PLC to assure Scout involvement
Life-to-Eagle Scout Coordinator Different from District assigned advisor, advises Life Scout through merit badges, paperwork, project and final submission
Troop Equipment Coordinator AKA Quartermaster Keeps track of Troop camping equipment & other troop supplies and determines when items need replacement or repair
Scoutmaster Works directly with the Scouts to help them create the program for the troop; Trains leaders to run the troop by providing direction, coaching, and support; Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the appropriate policies
Secretary Takes minutes during our adult committee meetings and shares the information as needed
Treasurer Keeps track of our finances – both for the troop and the individual Scout accounts; assists in fundraisers and budget
Webelos Transition Coordinator Talks with various cub scout packs in the area about continuing the Scouting experience with Troop 564